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eBooks Games and Apps To Occupy Your New Year

Ripe Apps [1]Ripe Apps [1] has two of their latest iPhone apps on sale. Get GPS and Location-based reminders with Geo Alerts [2], on sale now for 99 Cents USD. Need a simple to do list with reminders? Pick up Reminders! [3]Simple ToDos and Alerts [3], which is on sale for $1.99 USD. You may also want to check out their other app, I’m Right Here [4], which allows you to let your friends know where you are by sending them an email with map image, or SMS a link to same. This app isn’t “on sale” but it is available for the regular low price of 99 Cents USD.tale of the madeus [5]

Dark Acre [6]Vancouver developer Dark Acre [6] has just launched a novella for Amazon Kindle titled Tale of the Madeus [5] (The Solarus Cycle) in the first in a series, and is currently available via download for only $1.99 USD. Written in the style of a science fiction space opera, Tale of the Madeus takes place in the Far Vacuum of the Solarus system and follows a series of events which occur between the Oslean Stellar Trade League Transport Vessel ‘Madeus’ and the pirate vessel ‘Staine’, and was written as a supporting background piece for Dark Acre’s game Project Zero Zero [7], which is currently in development.

Indie developer Celsius Games [8] has announced that there will soon be an update for its inertial survival shooter game Red Nova [9]. It looks like players are in for at least one new mode of transport – or maybe a new enemy, as the image isred nova teaser [10] Celsius Games [11]only showing up as a shadowy blip on the Village Gamer game spotter. Still available for the launch price of 99 Cents USD, Red Nova is compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. As the person in control, you have been sent on a mission to test a number of prototype fighters which could be destined to replace the Earth Colonial Fleet’s aging Starhawk. While voyaging across the galaxy in your carrier, the ECS Red Nova, you discover the dastardly deeds of a previously unknown alien fleet as they prepare to stage a sneak attack on Earth’s space colonies. Being the hero that you are, it’s up to you and your crew to save humanity from certain destruction at the hands of these alien foes.

If you want to see the Best of 2010’s Xbox Indie Games included on the dashboard, head over to this article [12] written xona games [13]by Matthew Doucette of Xona Games [13] to find out how you can vote on this issue. As a supporter (and purchaser) of our Canadian indie dev-made products, I would like to see the indie games front and centre just like all of the big-budget (and sometimes nowhere near as fun) titles.

Bioware [14] and i09 are offering a sneak preview [15] at who the Illusive Man really is (surprise, he’s not really Martin Sheen). Bioware Corp [14]This brand new comic [16] from Dark Horse will peel back the layers of secrecy we first got a glimpse at in Mass Effect 2 [17].

According to the comic’s official description, “Mass Effect 2 Lead Writer Mac Walters reveals the origin of our galaxy’s most mysterious powerbroker—The Illusive Man! With co—writer John Jackson Miller (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic) and artist Omar Francia (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2), Walters chronicles humanity’s first deadly days on the galactic stage and uncovers the pivotal [17]role The Illusive Man played in it all! Available only in comics, this essential piece of Mass Effect canon offers new insights for existing fans, while the focus on humanity’s first steps into the wider Mass Effect universe provides a riveting story of action and intrigue for sci-fi readers of all stripes!”

Please visit the i09 site for a look at the 5 page Mass Effect Evolution preview [15].

doritos unlock xbox [18]Doritos®, in partnership with Microsoft, has announced the winner of its Unlock Xbox [19] competition, with Crash Course [20] taking first place. Crash Course was developed by Behaviour Interactive’s [21] Chile studio Wanako from a concept by North Carolinian Jill Robertson. Her game concept was inspired by one of her favourite shows, Wipe Out – and is loads of fun. As the winner, Jill was awarded a $50 000.00 USD game consulting gig with Doritos, but in an unprecedented move, Doritos also awarded $50 000.00 to second place contestant Justin Carpenter of Ogden, Utah. His game concept, Harm’s Way [22], was also extremely well received – both titles had well over Xblox Live Arcade 2 million downloads between them – and they are both well worth the effort, offering tons of replayability and gaming fun. Both titles are still available for download, and at free, you certainly can’t scoff at the price for so much fun.
