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Ortsbo And Digital Development Management Team Up To Promote Real-Time Multi-Language Communication Platform

ortsbo [1]Ortsbo, Inc. [1], an innovator in real-time, cross-language communication experiences, announces a partnership with Digital Development Management (DDM), a Massachusetts-based consultancy and agency for video games and digital entertainment, to offer game developers and publishers the Ortsbo platform that enables cost effective in-game, real-time communication language transformation.

Digital technology has enabled games to proliferate across platforms and territories at an unprecedented rate, resulting in game developers and publishers seeking to maximize their global audience. Real-time player communication is a critical component of the interactive game experience, and language barriers have traditionally limited global participation and communication across countries between gamers and development support staff.

Ortsbo Global Gaming offers a cost-effective high-fidelity, cross-language platform that transforms online communication in real-time between more than sixty languages. Now, global player communication is a feature instead of a barrier to global participation. Players can interact with each other and with game support regardless of their native languages, increasing the network effect for games, heightening player enjoyment, as well as offering more scope for game developer creativity.

“We are pleased to have been chosen by DDM Game Production Services as a recommended solution for game developers,” said Ortsbo CEO Patrick Bultema. “Ortsbo has been laser-focused about making real-time, cross-language communication a high fidelity experience. We believe that the global gaming community can richly utilize our solution to both increase the economics and enjoyment of gaming, creating enhanced revenue opportunities for Ortsbo.”

DDM represents some of the most prominent independent development studios in the gaming industry including Ninja Theory (DmC Devil May Cry), Yager (Spec Ops: The Line), Slant Six Games [2] (Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City), and Zombie Studios (Blacklight: Retribution). In addition to its Game Studio Representation division, DDM offers industry guidance for successful expansion in the video game business through Game Industry Services (GIS), and facilitates production needs to handle all aspects of bringing a game to market through Game Production Services (GPS). By offering Ortsbo Global Gaming to its developer and publisher clients, DDM continues to assemble a suite of best-of-breed services to shorten its clients’ time-to-market with the most competitive capabilities and game features.

“DDM represents development studios for every genre, platform, and major geographic market. In our client engagements, we have observed their consistent wish to reach broader markets with the same gaming investment,” commented Minton. “Ortsbo Global Gaming empowers our clients to remove artificial barriers to communication in their games, unifying the player base and enabling customer support to assist players in multiple languages through real-time chat translation.”

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1 Comment To "Ortsbo And Digital Development Management Team Up To Promote Real-Time Multi-Language Communication Platform"

#1 Comment By Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer) On Monday April 15, 2013 @ 4:17 am

.@Ortsbo & Digital Development Mgmt Team Up To Promote Real-Time Multi-Language Communication Platform [3]