Hinterland Games is thrilled to announce that talented actor Mark Meer has joined Hinterland and will be voicing The Long Dark‘s protagonist, bush pilot William Mackenzie. Fans of the Mass Effect series will no doubt recognize Mark as the iconic Commander Shepard in that blockbuster game franchise, and we’re honoured that he’ll be bringing the lead character in The Long Dark to life. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in fundraisers, National News, Rating Pending, Simulations, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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Today the Canada Media Fund (CMF), in collaboration with Konrad Group, launched InnovaTV, a new online resource that takes an in-depth look at emerging technologies that enable producers to create TV content in new and innovative ways. With 12 presentations already being offered, this new resource provides developers, technologists and creators with a platform to share useful information on innovation and convergence in the television industry. The presentations already available include interviews on such topics as t-commerce (transactional interfaces related to digital TV content) and the influence of social networks on television consumption. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, Careers, Digital Products, Education, Government, National News, New Releases By: Tami |
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The Aviva Community Fund is back for its fifth year, and once again you will have the chance to win a share of the $1,000,000 Aviva Community Fund by submitting an idea that creates positive change for the little things that matter most to Canadians. As in previous years, it’s your job to raise awareness for your cause, earn donations from supporters, and earn votes for a chance to win an Aviva Community Fund grand prize. The competition will open to submissions on September 23rd with voting to begin on September 30th. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Associations, Contests, National News By: Tami |
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The BC Technology Industry Association (BCTIA) invites you to celebrate twenty years of technological growth and innovation in Vancouver at the Telus World of Science Centre this October 20th. Over the past 20 years, Vancouver has steadily grown into a hotbed for technology startups and is home to global giants such as MDA, Hootsuite, Westport Innovations, EA and SAP. The city has boasted tech success stories like Global Relay, Avigilon, Recon, etc. and attracted the likes of Facebook and Twitter. Globally recognized for its talent and community, Vancouver’s development community has a lot to celebrate. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Associations, Events, National News By: Tami |
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Digital security and identity management company Route1 Inc. has released a white paper titled Avoiding BYOD Legal Issues. The paper outlines the wave of emerging legal pitfalls facing the Enterprise with respect to the current BYOD practices of commingling of personal and enterprise data on mobile devices. The legality of the common practice of remotely wiping or tracking an employee’s mobile device while asking workers to sign waivers giving their consent for such a policy remains highly ambiguous, as there is little to no case law in this area. Employee resentment over these invasions of personal privacy is growing with concerns about losing personal data when using their own devices for work, and the potential violation if their employer viewed their personal information. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, National News By: Tami |
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Sierra Wireless has just announced the launch of the Sierra Wireless Solution Partner Program and the Sierra Wireless M2M Solution Exchange. The Sierra Wireless Solution Partner Program promotes integrated wireless solutions powered by Sierra Wireless technology. It offers a streamlined, functional way for solution partners to work with Sierra Wireless to promote their solutions to the company’s network of carrier, sales, and reseller channels. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, National News, New Releases, Peripherals By: Tami |
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Time is running out to register for the Crossmedia Banff: Digital MashUp, a showcase of 30 of the most innovative companies and creators in motion, mobile, marketing, publishing, and games will take place at The Banff Centre this September 23rd & 24th. The pace is fast and the knowledge share overflowing. Gaming people will meet the TV people, the publishing people will meet the web video people, and everyone will get to meet the advertising people. Crossmedia Banff introduces a unique format featuring “quick fire” 7 minute demos from leading creators focused on building the technologies and experiences that will connect and engage with the audiences of the future across the digital “ecosystem”. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Careers, Education, Events, National News By: Tami |
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Vancouver-based Rocketcases has announced today the best-selling Retro Gamer case line for iPhone 5s, 5, 4 and 4s. Rocketcases gamer G Boy and Controller themed iPhone cases protect your iPhone from falls and scratches with hard silicon and plastic materials, while at the same time bringing back memories of old-school gaming fun. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in National News, New Releases, Peripherals By: Tami |
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Since 2004, the IMGA has been at the forefront of the mobile gaming industry and has become the most prestigious international competition for mobile games. The IMGA is calling all developers and studios from around the world to submit their games. Please see the quick facts about the awards show and schedule below for more information on entering your game for consideration. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Awards, Contests, Events, Game Dev, National News By: Tami |
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With the new school year upon us, if your school is anything like the ones in our town, fundraising to support the PAC and other school activities are high priority. Vancouver-based creative platform Kibooco has built a “digital DIY” platform for kids to create their own designs, make them into custom products and share them for social good. Kibooco allows kids to design and make awesome personalized and custom products while raising awareness and money for causes and communities they care about. The recently launched Kibooco PAC Program is a fun, unique, and best of all – super simple – fundraising program that connects kids directly to helping raise money for their school. The team at Kibooco absolutely recognizes how busy parents and PAC members are, and the infograph shown below very quickly highlights the features of their low-maintenance, hassle-free program – with no cost to the PAC and tons of creative fun. This program will also work for daycares, community clubs, associations and even events. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, fundraisers, National News By: Tami |
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