Announcing The Alan Sawyer Memorial Graduate Award

On June 8, 2013, the Canadian media industry lost a champion, a creator and a good friend. Alan Sawyer was a policy wonk who had an extraordinary grasp of the interconnected worlds of technology and creativity. During a varied career that embraced many platforms, he helped many of us in the Canadian media environment make sense of the changing landscape. You are invited to help celebrate the launch of the Alan Sawyer Memorial Award at the Brazen Head Irish Pub in Toronto on the evening of December 5th – swap a story, share a drink and see how you can help honour Alan’s memory by supporting the future of the work he was so passionate about.
To keep moving Alan’s work forward, friends and family have joined with Ryerson University to create the Alan Sawyer Memorial Graduate Award. It’s a long title for a simple program: creating more “Alans” in the Canadian merging media environment. The annual award, to be administered by Ryerson, will encourage a full-time program graduate student in the university’s Media Production Program to pursue a major research paper or media project exploring storytelling across multiple screen platforms.
Can’t make it? Feel free to make a donation online or contact the foundation at: ASFoundation2014-at-gmail-dot-com for more information.
12:28 am on November 14th, 2013
Announcing The Alan Sawyer Memorial Graduate Award #eyeoncanada