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Vancouver Island Author Pens New Children’s Book Series

Orby Reads [1]Cowichan Valley author Teresa Schapansky [2] has announced the release of the first five books in her fun-filled, engaging Along the Way [3] series. Published by Eye Wonder Studios Inc., the series is aimed toward children between the ages of five and twelve years, and has been created with a multi-faceted goal: to entertain, broaden horizons, and encourage young readers. Along the Way books introduces readers to facts, history, geography and cultures which can be found throughout North America. Short stories included in each book feature children who, together with their families, face and learn to resolve real life issues.along the way [4]

The Along the Way series has been created with the intent of encouraging children to be all they can be – all the while sharpening reading skills, which are necessary as they embark on this fantastic path to lifelong learning. These books are available in 51 countries on iBooks, and PDF formats are available through the author’s website; print copies may be pre-ordered by contacting the publisher. Visit Along The Way’s page [3] for purchase information.

Ken Golden, a Disney artist behind such works as Berenstain Bears, The Lion King, BRATZ and The Magic School Bus, has skillfully designed each of the Along the Way book covers.

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1 Comment To "Vancouver Island Author Pens New Children’s Book Series"

#1 Comment By Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer) On Monday November 25, 2013 @ 1:54 am

Vancouver Island Author Teresa Schapansky Releases New Children’s Book Series Along The Way [5] #eyeoncanada