The SIGGRAPH 2014 Mobile Pavilion in Vancouver is the place where the mobile, embedded, and low-power industries come together: the leading IP companies, top app developers, device manufacturers, and mobile operating-system developers. With the unparalleled capabilities of modern mobile devices, this market is enjoying unprecedented growth and generating access to untapped revenues for organizations that are committed to this technology. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Animation, Associations, Audio, Business News, Careers, CGFX, Digital Products, Education, Events, Game Dev, National News, scholarships, Software, Studios By: Tami |
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The chilly weather outside won’t be a problem for MicroVolts players cozying up with the holiday-themed update Frosty Frolickers! Rock Hippo Productions has announced that new weapons, parts, accessories, and game features are now available with the latest game update free to download. The war between action figures over battery resources surges on in the Microvolts universe. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in National News, New Releases, Shooters, Teen By: Tami |
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Get ready to burn some rubber! Vancouver developer Hothead Games has announced that Big Win Racing, the latest installment in the studio’s popular Big Win Sports series, is now available for iOS and Android-enabled mobile devices. Big Win Racing has players go under the hood to upgrade their driver, engine, tires, steering, & transmission in order build the fastest race car on the track. Players can train a world-class driver & pit crew in order to stay in front of the pack. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Driving, Everyone 10+, National News, New Releases By: Tami |
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