Secret Bear World Launches Kickstarter Campaign

Vancouver game developer Secret Bear World has announced the launch of its crowdfunding campaigns on KickStarter and PayPal Pledges to expand their PC-based virtual world game to include Minecraft™ and LEGO™ inspired Brick Building features. Secret Bear World has quickly become a popular destination for children aged 6-14, and is a virtual world in which players have fun engaging in cool games, fun activities, and buying virtual goodies for their bears. Children can chat with each other and play games such as Magic Lamp and Bear Racing, and even go shopping for a plasma TV or a beary comfy bed.
The new Brick Building feature aims to give players more interactive gameplay as they build with a huge variety of tiles and blocks to construct their own worlds from their imaginations, and build customized environments such as Ice Castles and Secret Agent Headquarters. Players will be able to build anything they ever dreamed of and share their creations with other players. There is plenty of fun to be had – bear coins earned within the world can be used to upgrade and buy cool items and accessories, and children can even dress up their bears in cool and beautiful costumes.
Supporters of the campaign are offered a host of cool rewards from Premium Gold Cards (lifetime membership for only $20 – Early Gold Bear Reward) to Ninja Bear T-shirts and Moshi Bears, which are small collectible replica bears identical to those featured in the virtual world! There is even a Superhero Costume consisting of cape, mask and power bands, and a bedding set of duvet cover & pillow case, all designed with wonderful attention to detail in the Secret Bear World theme. For all reward levels, Secret Bear World will deliver the Premium Gold Card before their Kickstarter campaign ends, ensuring that all of their backers will have stocking stuffers for Christmas 2013.
About Secret Bear World
Once upon a time, a 3 year old boy loved playing online virtual worlds. He was very smart for his age and loved designing stuff. One day, he asked his mommy if he could make a game similar to, or even better than existing games. She paused and thought for a moment before answering him “let me think about how to do it”. She asked her friends who were web designers and game developers, and they said yes, it was possible with a lot of hard work and determination. From a child’s wish, ‘Secret Bear World’ was created. ‘Secret Bear World’ is committed to helping children of the world through charity by donating to children’s cancer research in hopes that someday the world will find a cure for, or better yet, prevention to cancer, especially in children. Having already donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and set up ‘Team Secret Bear World’ at Stand Up 2 Cancer (SU2C), the developer supports all cancer research, not just children’s cancer research.
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11:53 pm on December 12th, 2013
#Vancouver project @SecretBearWorld Launches Kickstarter Campaign #eyeoncanada #wecreatebc