Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, the LEGO Group, and TT Games in partnership with Burnaby’s Hellbent Games has launched LEGO® Friends for the Nintendo 3DS™ to major retailers worldwide. The latest LEGO videogame adventure is based on the popular LEGO Friends collection of building sets, providing a fun adventure that allows players to express their imagination and creativity. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Everyone, National News, New Releases, RPG - MMORPG By: Tami |
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Indie studio Exequor has released the long awaited reboot of Heroes of Zulula. Dubbed the “MOAR edition”, this new version is available on both Google Play Android and the iOS App Store. Heroes of Zulula is a strategy RPG game which sees the vile Akolan declaring himself the overlord of Zulula, and his first order of business is to ban the traditional tournaments of Zulula forever. Ex-champions Grunty the Cyclop, Ledouche the Knight and Oulette the Slime join forces along with other combatants to defeat Akolan and bring the tournaments back to Zulula. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in National News, New Releases, RPG - MMORPG, Teen By: Tami |
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Ottawa indie developer Phillip Meyer has launched a Kickstarter campaign for his retro-style indie PC game King Voxel. With $ 686.00 raised thus far, Meyer is hoping to meet his goal of $ 20 000.00 by the campaign’s end date on December 4th. King Voxel captures the magic of games like “The Legend of Zelda” but adds a world generator and lots of Volume Elements – or, voxels – with a focus on fun gameplay and replayability. King Voxel is also on Steam Greenlight. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Everyone, fundraisers, National News, RPG - MMORPG, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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Snowed In Studios launched its first Kickstarter campaign on Wednesday, November 6 to raise $50,000 for the final leg in production of its first original title, WindForge. WindForge is a PC game that blends the fun of Minecraft and Terraria, with a RPG shooter. The 30-day campaign will help the studio complete the game and bring it to market in the first quarter of 2014. With 28 days to go in the Kickstarter campaign, WindForge has raised $ 5 897.00 of its $ 50 000.00 goal. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Everyone 10+, fundraisers, Game Dev, National News, RPG - MMORPG, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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Vancouver’s Flying Helmet Games has launched a Kickstarter campaign for its cooperative role-playing adventure title Eon Altar, a project that blends the experience of classic tabletop gaming and modern video games into a Tabletop Video Game. Five friends fight through dungeons to uncover ancient secrets and compete for glory and wealth. Using personal handsets to control your character’s actions, with a tablet to adventure through dungeons as a group, players undertake a cinematic journey unlike anything ever before in a tabletop setting. The studio hopes to meet their goal of $300 000.00 in 31 days; at press time, they had raised just over $12 000.00. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Everyone 10+, fundraisers, National News, RPG - MMORPG, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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Funcom is thrilled to announce that a major new and innovative update for ‘The Secret World‘ has just been released! Issue #8: The Venetian Agenda introduces an all new type of content through Scenarios, where players fight in virtual challenges, and a fresh layer of character development with the powerful Augments, which let players choose how to enhance their Abilities. Catch the exclusive preview video of Issue #8 narrated by Game Director Joel Bylos, and see gameplay from the challenging Seek and Preserve Scenarios and the new tactical choices the deep Augment System offers. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Mature, National News, New Releases, RPG - MMORPG By: Tami |
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Prior to Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition’s release on November 15th, Beamdog, Atari and Overhaul Games have announced the release of concept art for new playable character Hexxat, as well as 12 new screenshots and three new music samples from the game, which you can find on the game’s official ‘media‘ page. The original Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn, launched in September 2000, quickly becoming the most celebrated Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying video game of its time. On November 15th, 2013, gamers new and old can experience the epic continuation and conclusion of the Bhaalspawn Saga, with full HD resolution support and area art remastered from the original renders. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Everyone 10+, National News, RPG - MMORPG, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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“Two worlds, one reality” – so goes the tagline for ‘IRL’, a new feature film by director Erik Leijonborg which features Funcom‘s modern-day massively multiplayer game The Secret World as a central part of the story. Valter Skarsgård (son of Hollywood heavyweight Stellan Skarsgård known from films such as ‘Good Will Hunting’, ‘The Avengers’ and ‘Thor’) plays Elias, the film’s main character. Bullied at school, Elias escapes to the virtual universe of Funcom Montreal’s The Secret World, where he meets a girl – Scarlet – and they eventually decide to meet up in real life. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Game Dev, Mature, National News, RPG - MMORPG By: Tami |
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Xbox has announced two more free games are coming to Xbox Live Gold members in October as part of Games with Gold. Starting today, two great titles will be available for free for a limited time, and one of them is from the award winning developers at Capybara. Follow the epic adventure of five young heroes leading their armies to save the world in Might & Magic Clash of Heroes – a unique mix of RPG and puzzle battle mechanics with online and local battle modes for up to four players. Don’t have Xbox Live Gold? Xbox has also announced that they will be unlocking Gold this weekend, October 4th through 6th. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Everyone 10+, Mature, National News, Puzzle, RPG - MMORPG, Shooters By: Tami |
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Funcom‘s The Secret World is offering its players a new chain of events called The Whispering Tide. In these events the whole community joins together to fight the Filth invasion in the hollow earth – Agartha. The first event in this chain starts today, Friday the 20th of September, and lasts until the players have overcome the new challenge by beating back the Filth’s attack. As the players work together they unlock more new content and rewards. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Mature, National News, New Releases, RPG - MMORPG By: Tami |
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