hyperWALLET Integrates Prepaid Cards with Apple Passbook
hyperWALLET, a leading provider of global payment solutions, today announced integration of its prepaid card products and services with Apple Passbook, a feature of Apple’s iOS6 that supports virtual tickets, boarding passes, coupons and more. Since its release use has grown rapidly, with many companies developing apps for Passbook.
“Our cardholders love our mobile apps and the ability to manage all aspects of their accounts from their phones. With passbook cardholders also receive balance updates and transaction notifications in real time in a native iPhone experience, providing even more convenience on the go”, states Lisa Shields, President & CEO of hyperWALLET Systems Inc.
hyperWALLET, winner of the Best in Category for Prepaid Incentive, Reward, Rebate and Loyalty Program at the 2012 Paybefore Awards, will launch its prepaid card Apple Passbook service in the coming months.
Organizations looking to offer innovative new payment solutions to their customers by combining mobile technologies, Apple Passbook and prepaid cards can contact hyperWALLET at +1 (604) 482-0090 or solutions@hyperwallet.com for more details.
11:00 pm on February 5th, 2013
@hyperWALLET Integrates Prepaid Cards with Apple Passbook http://t.co/kk3bap11