Introducing Astrobase Command By Jellyfish Games

Montreal-based startup game studio Jellyfish Games has announced their new game, Astrobase Command. The game uses groundbreaking AI to treat characters within the game world as people. You can go anywhere and do anything, and the choices you make have real consequences because everything is controlled by the AI-Storyteller. The game encourages attachment and emotional investment in personality driven characters, an Astrobase Command, you feel like you’re inside your favorite sci-fi TV shows.
Astrobase Command is a sandbox base-building RPG in a low-tech science fiction universe, allowing players to explore the stars with the computing power of the Atari Age. Astrobase Command is a character-driven survival and building simulation in a 70’s sci-fi setting. Send out your crew to negotiate treaties, research and discover technology, and generally secure your Astrobase against attacks and espionage. All while exploring the universe and utilizing everything you were taught from sci-fi television and movies to not get them killed. After defining and customizing your species, you play in a procedurally generated universe with AI-created events and stories. Astrobase Command is about realizing your science-fiction fantasy.
To learn more about this game, see their Kickstarter campaign page. At press time, the campaign had raised $ 20 244.00 towards a goal of $ 145 000.00, with 22 days remaining. Astrobase Command is also on Steam Greenlight.
12:05 am on November 27th, 2013
Introducing Astrobase Command By @jellyfish_games #eyeoncanada
12:09 am on November 27th, 2013
RT @VillageGamer: Introducing Astrobase Command By @jellyfish_games #eyeoncanada
12:16 am on November 27th, 2013
RT @VillageGamer: Introducing Astrobase Command By @jellyfish_games #eyeoncanada
3:07 am on November 27th, 2013
RT @VillageGamer: Introducing Astrobase Command By @jellyfish_games #eyeoncanada